VC Update…Survived My First Packet!

Phew! I’ve been busy, but I wanted to say that I’ve survived my first “packet.” What is a packet, you might ask? Well, as part of the VC MFA requirements, during the semester, under the guidance of an advisor, students complete a certain amount of required work each month and turn it into his/her advisor for review/feedback. This monthly submission of work is referred to as a “packet” (because it’s all submitted to the advisor at once).

For the Picture Book Semester (what I’m enrolled in this semester), once a month I turn in an annotated bibliography (min. of 25 books), a critical essay, 2-4 manuscripts (at least one has to be new, others can be revised mss), and a letter to my advisor discussing my progress. Amazingly, my advisor gives me thorough feedback within a day or two. Then it’s time to begin the whole process again…

3 thoughts on “VC Update…Survived My First Packet!

  1. Sounds busy and fabulous! Congratulations on meeting your first packet goal. If you were in my class I'd give you a star sticker. Go Terry!
    Rebecca L-G


  2. Hi Terry! Just found your Web site and blog, both of which are super-cool! (As are you, of course.)Congrats on that first packet.

    Yours in VC survival mode,


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