The Value of Lists

I love lists. Maybe it’s because I go to lists when I’m in the throes of writing and don’t want to stop to brainstorm (or maybe I’m just being lazy!), but I keep a binder with various lists I’ve compiled through my years of writing. It holds all sorts of handmade lists from dinosaurs to popular children’s songs to cowboy words, and beyond! That way, when I’m searching for a unique or specific word to a topic I’m writing about, I’ve already got a list of words at hand (even better than a thesaurus!)

So today, I came across a new one. It’s from the Hybrid Rasta Mama site and lists 150 different words to describe the taste of food. What a great list to check out if “delicious” just isn’t cutting it for that new manuscript you’re working on. You know, when you need an adjective that’s food-specific and fresh! Check it out HERE.

Book Launch!

BOOK SIGNING EVENT: Saturday, April 1, I’ll be signing my newest books, MAMA LOVES YOU SO and MY BUSY GREEN GARDEN, at 2:00 at Red Rock Books in Ridgecrest CA. I’d love to see old friends (and make new ones) so stop by and say hi, hello, howdy, hola!

Want to get an autographed copy but live too far away? You still can! Call Red Rock Books (an independent bookstore) at 760-375-3454 and tell them you’d like to buy an autographed copy. You can also reach them via their website, and FB,

Be sure to tell them who you’d like the book(s) inscribed to. Once they have your order information, they’ll give me a call, I’ll head over to the store, sign your book(s) and they’ll ship it to you.

MAMA LOVES YOU SO is the perfect Mother’s Day gift for new moms and MY BUSY GREEN GARDEN is wonderful for getting kids excited for spring. I hope to see you there!

Let Nature Nurture You, and Wash Your Spirit Clean

Today on EMU’s Debuts, Christina Uss shares how nature nurtures us and shares some personal looks at this. I just love this post because I’ve always found comfort in nature. As John Muir says, it washes your spirit clean!

EMU's Debuts

Readers of Terry Pierce’s cozy MAMA LOVES YOU SO will encounter many poetic images of nature nurturing the young, reminding us that nature has room to nurture us at any age.  mama-loves-you-so-coverTerry will be giving away a signed copy of MAMA LOVES YOU SO as part of her book launch week. Enter by leaving a comment below, and she will enter your name into the giveaway (up to one comment per day.) Read on to see how nature nurtures Terry and some of her fellow kidlit writers.

Terry has always found solace in nature, going back to her childhood. “For hours, I could sit cradled in the branches of a tree, or perched on a rock watching the woods. Anytime I’m feeling restless, worried, or at a breaking point, if I can get out in nature I’m instantly calmed and can put things in perspective. And I love writing in…

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Border Collies and Babies—It’s Never Too Soon To Start (plus a giveaway!)

Reading to babies is important for many reasons (bonding, brain development, socialization). Today on EMU’s Debuts, Hayley Barrett talks about how my new book, MAMA LOVES YOU SO, can contribute to language development in newborns.

EMU's Debuts

The story I’m about to tell is relevant to Terry Pierce’s MAMA LOVES YOU SO. I promise.

mama-loves-you-so-coverYears ago, my brother got a beautiful border collie puppy. I remember how excited Warren was, and I remember the solemn advice the breeder gave him. It was this: Show the dog everything he’s ever going to see within the first six months of his life. In short, it was Warren and his family’s responsibility to quickly give intelligent, impressionable Comet the information he’d need to thrive.

*presses pause on dog story*

My first professional, if unrequited, love is midwifery. Permit me to geek out for a bit.

The importance of verbally communicating with babies—and I mean from about 6 months gestation onward—cannot be overstated. Auditory function in the human fetus is complete at 7 months. Not only do they hear and respond to outside noises, research suggests babies learn intonation and can…

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HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY! Interview with MAMA LOVES YOU SO illustrator, Simone Shin

Happy birthday, book! Today MAMA LOVES YOU SO is born into the world. Read my interview with the creator of its perfect illustrations, Simone Shin, below.

EMU's Debuts

I am tickled pink as a newborn babe to have my first board book, MAMA LOVES YOU SO, be released into the book world today! And how fun to have my fellow EMU’s right there with me (a bit like having a Mission Control flock at my side!).

Today’s post brings me an extra helping of book release fun! Not only do I get to bask in the warm light of having a new book come out but I also get to interview the illustrator who so perfectly captured the spirit of my book, the talented Simone Shin.

Thank you for answering a few questions today, Simone, and happy book birthday! I can’t express how much I love the illustrations in this book. I appreciate your taking the time to share a bit about yourself with us.

How long have you been illustrating children’s books?

I’ve been illustrating children’s books…

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Oh, Baby! Happy Launch Week Terry Pierce!

Today begins EMU’s Debuts book launch week for my brand spankin’ new board book, MAMA LOVE YOU SO (illustrated by the fabulous Simone Shin​). Debbi Michiko Florence​ kicks off the week with favorite baby books and photos of some of the Emus in the nest!

EMU's Debuts

This week we are celebrating the launch of a book for newborns by Terry Pierce:


Mama Loves You So by Terry Pierce, illustrated by Simone Shin (Little Simon/March 14, 2017)

This sweet book in rhyme celebrates nature and a mother’s love with gorgeous illustrations of animals and their young. A perfect bedtime (and really anytime) book to read to a little one.

We asked authors about a favorite baby book, either one read to them as infants or read to their own babies. Check out these baby pictures! And we’d love to hear about your favorite books from your childhood!


Christina Uss: My twins’ favorite book as babies was Sandra Boynton’s Barnyard Dance. Their eyes would get wide when I did this little dip-and-shuffle-thing and began “Stomp your feet…clap your hands…Everybody ready for the BARNYARD DANCE!”  Then their faces would crumble and tears began when I hit the last page –…

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