The "Everything Under the Moon" Group

This is the “Everything Under the Moon, Writing with Fingers on Fire” VCFA fall 2009 picture book semester group; and some of my most favorite writer friends on the planet.

Left to right, front row: me, Mary Cronin, and Kathi Appelt (advisor extraordinaire). Left to right, back row: Barabara Bishop (graduating on Tuesday–yea, Barbara!), Abby Aguirre and Meredith Davis.

Having lunch with these lovely ladies has been one of my personal highlights of the residency thus far because really–isn’t there nothing like getting together with “old” friends?

My New Advisor!!!

Yes, it’s been forever since I’ve posted as I’ve allowed my wrist and thumb to heal, but I just found out who my next advisor will be for my 3rd semester at Vermont College. Drum roll, please…….. Julie Larios! Okay, I’ll admit it, when I saw my name in her group I let out a whoop. Julie is a fabulous poet, brilliant and just plain delightful. I AM THRILLED!