How Much Money Does a Writer Make? [2017]

Non-writers who are thinking about writing often ask me if children’s writers make much money. Once again, Laura Purdie Salas shares her own personal experience with this. Enjoy!

Mentors for Rent

Howdy, writers! First, my annual disclaimer:

If you think it’s impolite to talk about finances, skip this article!

Dollar_SignSo, one question aspiring writers often ask is, “Can I make a living at this?” It’s not a matter of greed, but of necessity. So many of dream of making a living doing what we love. But there’s little reliable information out there about what writers make. That’s partly because writer incomes vary so greatly, and partly because writers tend to be private about their incomes. Those doing very well probably don’t want to brag. Those making very little might feel embarrassed. Those of us in the middle might just be adhering to societal norms of not speaking about money. Luckily, I don’t care about societal norms:>)

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