Still Alive…but barely

Wow–I’ve really been absent from blogging these past few weeks. The VCFA semester came to a screaming end, sort of. The first week of Dec. required my last packet to be submitted. It was bittersweet. Really. I was relieved that I had accomplished the last packet and felt good about the work I’d submitted, but then again, it was the last packet. My last one! I’ve grown to enjoy receiving feedback from my advisor and seeing how I can improve my writing. And I’ve loved immersing myself in the picture book genre this semester. I know I’ll never have another experience like this for the rest of my life. That’s the “bitter” part.

The second week required me to submit to the admin office the “secret sixth packet” which consists of evaluations, summaries and writing samples from the semester. Not hard work to compile, but it did take time and took some thought with my responses.

And all the while, I’m still working the bugs out of my PowerPoint presentation for my panel presentation for the winter rez. The four other PB Semester students and I each have 15 minutes to give a talk, then our advisor gets a few minutes at the end. I have my talk finished, but I keep having glitches in the actual slide show. Sigh…technology and I DO NOT get along sometimes. It really is a love-hate relationship. But I’m doing everything I can to assure that it’ll be running smoothly by the time I get to the residency. Fingers crossed. Toes too.

Oh, and there’s this little thing called Christmas looming…

I’m Back But Not Really…

No, I haven’t completely abandoned my blog… I took a few days off to visit my family in New England, came home to a two-day migraine (travel does that to me), and have been playing “catch-up” ever since.

Last week was the last round of manuscript critiques between my fellow PB semester students (Mary, Meredith, Barbara and Abby–you all totally rock!). It was actually a bit sad, having that last round of stories to share. These writers are highly creative, solid in their skills, and give amazing feedback–I’m going to miss them so much! (not to mention Kathi, our fearless leader).

Today I sent Kathi my final packet, complete with one new story plus three revised pieces. Honestly, if she’d have taken five mss, I’d have sent her five. Or six. Or seven. It was tough to decide which ones to put under her skilled eye and mind for the last time. I’ll also miss working under her guidance and direction, and can’t imagine what next semester will be like without my little “PB family.” But as it is with every little bird, they must be pushed from the nest and learn to fly on their own. But Kathi might have to shove me really hard ;-).

Now I’ll have to focus on the panel presentation our group will give at the winter rez. Each of us gets to give a 12-15 min. talk that highlights our long essay from this semester. I’m talking about anthropomorphism with a focus on cats. Of course, once I started reading my essay out loud, I realized that I could not have chosen a more difficult word to say out loud repeatedly! Oy…anthropomorphism. What was I thinking?

And next week I have one last “sixth” packet to turn into the college admin; a sort of summary of this semster’s work. And then I’ll have to start preparing for the winter rez in January (Down coat? Check. Wool cap? Check. Winter boots? Check. Electric blanket? Check. Etc….).

So, my blogging will be limited in the near future. Hopefully though, I’ll have some new Mini-Views coming up in the next few months, along with some other interesting points of interest.